Barnabas Road
A Leader In Streaming Media for Broadcast Radio
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Barnabas Road Network Affiliate Program

BRM NAP Requirements:

  1. Combined multi-station monthly bandwidth usage must exceed 4 Terabytes

  2. All radio stations must be under common ownership and/or control

  3. A one year (renewable) service agreement

BRM NAP Benefits:

  1. All multi-station bandwidth is aggregated to total monthly bandwidth usage

  2. The radio network may create as many side-channels, HD channels, video streams, advertising streams as desired... no limit on publishing points or on-demand accounts

  3. For each 1 Terabyte of monthly bandwidth used, 1 gigabyte of media storage is included

  4. Every NAP stream is eligible for BRM's Listener/Viewer Service Center (Email Helpdesk)

  5. BRM Network Affiliates receive a written 99.9% up-time guarantee

  6. All web, media player, or programming services are offered on an ad hoc basis

Network Affiliate Program Rates:

  • $0.40 per gigabyte per month - $400 minimum monthly fee

  • $0.02 per megabyte of media storage in excess of 1Gb/1Tb of throughput


Help Link
Click here to access the BRM Listener Service Center

Station technical service is at your ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year
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