Barnabas Road
A Leader In Streaming Media for Broadcast Radio
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Barnabas Road Advertising Options



TargetSpot enables broadcasters to better monetize streams by selling all or some inventory in TargetSpot's competitive ad marketplace.


With TargetSpot, advertisers of all sizes can compete for your online ad inventory. They place bids for ads on your station(s) with easy-to-use online tools, and TargetSpot delivers the ads with the highest bids to your listeners.


TargetSpot connects you to advertisers and agencies seeking new ways to reach engaged audiences as well as smaller advertisers who take advantage of the self-service tools and targeting features.

No set-up fee from  BRM - Revenue share with TargetSpot applies


Ando products and services are designed to convert streaming radio costs into profits.


The Ad Injector Platform integrates Ando Media's Patent Pending ad injection and ad detection capabilities with Webcast Metrics Real Time Audience Measurement providing broadcasters the opportunity to insert, detect and measure Internet Ad impressions


Ad Injector provides detailed impression data on complex multi-level ad campaigns.


All BRM stations are eligible to participate - Set-Up & Licensing fees apply


StreamAds controls your gateway ads, in-stream commercials, banner ads, and text advertising with the StreamAds central web interface:  

·  Schedule Ads

·  Deliver the Advertising Schedule

·  Produce Reports

·  Generate Revenue

 SOS4 Software Included - Monthly Licensing fee -


Convert unsold inventory into dollars. Advertisers come to you - no hassle and no negotiations.


There are no contracts, commitments, and participation is optional. Broadcasters can adjust rates weekly at their discretion via a new auction.


Bid4Spots is delivered exclusively via StreamAds

Revenue share with Bid4Spots



Your launch pages and other website pages are perfectly suited for online display advertising. Make all of your internet property productive and profitable.


You offer up an inventory of ad space and we fill it with high performance and spectacular online display advertising.


You become the publisher

We sell the ad space to the public nationally via Mega Advertiser Source Partners


Choose Ad Platform

Each option applies to specific markets and station/network objectives... Eligibility Rules Apply



Although BRM is your content delivery network, we care about your ability to monetize your online broadcast.

BRM provides the best solutions available to Internet Radio today

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