Barnabas Road Media


 Internet Radio Portal:

CM1 Portal Partner

Internet only

Internet plus Mobile

Set-up fee N/C $400.00

Monthly Service Fee



 Rate Information: Internet Radio Portal pricing is for stations who do not currently have a website and are not streaming.

The above rates include:


      Unlimited concurrent listeners

      Unlimited monthly listening hours

      Free monthly statistical reporting

      Custom Launch Page and Player  

To receive the CM1 Portal Partner discount each member station must:


      Stream only from the portal website

      Stream at 20K bit rate only

      Stream fewer than 100 Giga Bytes per month


Once a station begins to stream more than 100 Giga Bytes per month they may opt to remain on the portal; however, their monthly service fee will be equal to the current published price that Barnabas Road Media has listed for Christian/non-Profit stations.  This includes Dual-Band package pricing.


Any CM1 Portal Partner streaming more than 100 Giga Bytes per month may choose to stream their station from their own website at the current published price that Barnabas Road Media has listed for Christian/non-Profit stations including Dual-Band package pricing. 

Payment Methods:

Barnabas Road Media accepts:

American Express

Monthly Automatic Bank Debit ACH Processing 



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